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Get clearer skin

Take a half lemon from the fridge and put 3-4 drops of honey on it. Rub the lemon on your face, emphasizing trouble areas. Leave the lemon and honey mixture on your face for 5 minutes and then wash it with cold water. You will be able to see the results immediately. Additionally Lemon juice will also fade other marks/spots on the face and honey will moisturize your skin.

Use natural products for skin. Don't use chemicals on your face to get glowing.

Using chemicals might glow your skin temporarily but it spoils your sensitive skin. Do you want to look young and glowing naturally without using chemicals. do follow these tips every day. Tomatoes Method of application. 1. Take 1 tomato slice 2. lemon Take half sliced tomato and squeeze 2-3 drops of lemon juice on that slice of tomato and rub gently on your face. Leave the application for 5 to 10 minutes and wash your face. Do this for twice a week. If you feel itchy and intolerable, immediately wash your face with water

Natural ways to grow your hair faster

A number of conventional hair growth stimulants exist to both combat hair loss and promote the rapid growth of hair. Likewise, a number of more natural, herbal solutions exist to achieve the same goals. These natural solutions include the use of aloe vera, green tea, stinging nettle and wheat germ oil. Aloe Vera Used for generations by many South America n Indian tribes, aloe vera contains superoxide dismutane, an enzyme known for its hair-nourishing and stimulating abilities. Aloe vera additionally helps create nitric oxide, which is also good for potentially making hair grow faster (the vasodilators that nitric oxide affects stimulate hair growth). Rub a dollop of aloe vera into your hair and scalp daily. Both the gel and the massage are good for your hair and scalp, so do that instead of taking aloe vera as a pill. Green Tea Many herbalists recommend drinking several cups of green tea a day to promote hair growth. Green tea also can be taken as a capsule. It contains

Spotless glowing skin

TIP FOR ACNE n SCARS: 1. 2 TSP Sandal wood powder 2. 2 TSP Turmeric powder   3. Just to make a paste and add milk   Method of preparation:- Mix all the ingredients to form a paste. Apply this as face pack. This rejuvenates the skin. and after u have washed out the mask spray some rose water

Fed up with thin hair? now follow these remedies

Homemade hair-thickening remedies work either by temporarily adding volume to each shaft of hair or by creating a healthy scalp environment where more hair can grow. In some cases, results are immediately visible, but they are generally short-lived. For the best results, use a homemade hair-thickening remedy on a regular basis. Egg After shampooing, massage an   egg into your hair and let it sit for about 5 minutes. The non-hydrolyzed protein in an egg mimics the hydrolyzed proteins in hair-thickening shampoos, according to Dr. Harry Roth, a clinical professor of dermatology at the University of California . Vinegar Massage a mixture of 1 Tbsp. white or apple cider vinegar and 1 pint of water into your hair. The solution temporarily changes the chemical balance of your hair and make it appear thicker and shinier. Oil Massage Scalp massages with olive oil, lavender oil and jojoba oil are thought to help rid the scalp of debris and excess sebum and dirt, resulting on c

Polish your skin

Applying skin polish to your face and body helps remove dead cells so your skin will look bright and fresh. Removing dead skin also helps when applying anti-aging creams, allowing expensive products to penetrate deeper into the layers of skin. Skin and body polish treatments, whether purchased at a department store or done at a spa, can be very expensive. Purchase a few simple ingredients, get som e others out of your kitchen cupboards and mix up a thrifty skin polish to get beautiful glowing skin in no time. Citrus Sea Salt Polish 1. Combine 1/2 cup of sea salt, four tablespoons olive oil, three drops of lemon essential oil and five drops of orange essential oil in a small bowl. 2. Use a metal spoon or whisk to thoroughly mix the ingredients together. 3. Apply the scrub to your skin, rubbing it in small circles. The sea salts will exfoliate your skin, the olive oil will moisturize, and the citrus oils will leave you feeling fresh and rejuvenated. 4. Rinse with clear

Get rid of flaky dry scalp and dandruff

Apple juice tonic   ************** Mix together 1 tablespoon of pure apple juice and 3 tablespoon of warm water and massage into the scalp three times a week. Wash ur hair with a mild baby shampoo. or Rosemary with borax: ********************* Mix 5 tablespoons of strong rosemary infusion with a pinch of borax and massage into the scalp daily. or Hot oil conditioner treatment:   ****************************** Heat a small bowl of olive oil and massage it well into the scalp. Comb through with a wide-toothed comb then massage again. Leave overnight for the best results and wash them with mild or baby shampoo. 3 times a week.

Do you want a thick and long eye lashes?

Wash an old mascara or nail polish container and fill with: 1/4 of the container with castor oil, 1/2 vitamin E oil, 1/4 aloevera gel. Mix together as well as you can with your mascara wand, and apply a light layer to lashes every night before bed. Castor oil thickens your lashes while aloevera gel lengthens. Vitamin E accelerates length. After one month, you'll notice stronger, longer, more beautiful eyelashes.

Dry skin

Perfect mask for DRY SKIN           If you have dry skin, another skin care tip for Indian women is a honey, oatmeal and egg yolk mask. Whisk it all together, place it on your face and pat it in. After you leave it on for about 15 to 20 minutes, you can wash it off with warm water and your skin should be more hydrated and beautiful looking!

Oily skin tip

glowing and flawless skin tone for OILY SKIN If you really want some natural skin care tips for Indian women, why not try a honey and lemon juice facial? This mask can actually draw out the oil in your skin and can truly make sure that your skin looks really, really pretty constantly. It’ll also make sure that your skin is healthy and glowing!

Elbows and knees

5 unbelievable affects for DARK ELBOWS AND KNEES 1. Lemon Lemon juice has properties that not only helps whiten underarms, it also whitens dark elbows and knees. Cut a lemon on half. Rub the first half on your elbows and rub the second half on your knees. Allow the juice to dry on your skin for 5-10 minutes. By using a pumice stone, exfoliate the area. The amazing combination of lemon juice and    pumice stone exfoliation, will give you such great results. 2. Homemade Scrub You can also opt for a homemade scrub with the use of baking soda/salt and lemon juice. Baking soda contains substances that makes the skin super soft and because of its gritty texture, it also helps in getting rid of dead skin cells. All you have to do is to mix 1/4 cup of baking soda or salt and add a good amount of lemon juice to make it into a paste. Scrub your knees and elbows with this paste and leave it on for 20 minutes. Rinse it off with warm water. You will notice that your skin will become

Hair fall treatment

Facts: Curry leaves to control hair falls Are you fed up of hair falls? Have tried many things but hair loss does not stop? Then you have come to the right place. Here’s an easy home remedy which you can use to control hair fall and promote fast hair growth. You can prepare this mixture and store it in a bottle and use it to oil your hair regularly. Take coconut oil in a pan(initially you ca n try with small amount) and keep it to boil on gas stove. When the oil becomes hot add lot of curry leaves to it and put the gas stove on low flame for around 5-10 mins(time varies from amount of oil you have used).  Make sure it is kept for enough time until you can see oil vapors coming out and the oil turns green in color. Now let it stay like this for 1-2 hours. Then filter the oil in a bottle and use it regularly. You would be able to see the result soon after regular use.

Hair treatment - ginger

Mindblowing benefits  for Hair Ginger is a popular spice from the root of the Zingiber Officinale herb. You're probably familiar with ginger in Christmas cookies and Asian foods, but the root is also used for a multitude of health problems, including nausea, respiratory issues, indigestion and heart health. And that's not all: the strong, stimulating properties of this root make it an excellent hair tr eatment. Hair Growth Ginger works to increase scalp circulation. When blood flows to the scalp, it stimulates the hair follicles and encourages growth. The fatty acids in the root are great for thin hair. Use this recipe for hair loss, thinning hair or growing out a bad hair cut. Grate about 1 tbsp. of ginger root into a small bowl. Add 1 tbsp. of jojoba oil (or olive oil) and mix well. Rub this mixture into your scalp with massaging, circular motions. Leave on your hair for 30 minutes or longer. You should feel a warming effect on your scalp. Shampoo or rinse well.

Hair treatment - Onion

Onion Scalp Treatment Hair loss is a frightening discovery. If you experience hair loss, your first thought is probably about what you can do to stop or reverse it. Depending on your personality, you may choose an over-the-counter treatment or a natural home remedy. Onion scalp treatments are a natural home remedy. These treatments are widely used because of the low rate of side effects and becaus e it helps your hair to regrow faster. Onions also help to rid the scalp of germs. Applying the onion scalp treatment correctly will result in the restoration of your hair to its original state. Prepare the Onion To make the onion scalp treatment, you must first prepare the onion. Place one medium onion in a blender to emulsify; it should become a watery pulp consistency. Add 1 tbsp. honey to the mixture, too, as honey is an excellent conditioner for hair. Blend the mixture. Alcohol, such as 1 c. rum or vodka, can also be added to the onion while it is being blended. Let the mixture

Unwanted hair removal - naturally

6 Ways To Get Hairless Skin Naturally Hair removal has always been a matter of genuine concern since ages. With passage of time it became a necessity and part of our busy lifestyles. Quick fixes, hair removal treatments and painful methods were adopted to strip hair that marred beauty and caused embarrassment. But these quick fixes not only turn out to be pretty risky, but extremely painful and costly. The likelihood of getting allergies, rashes etc. are quite high for Lasers treatments. Besides, they aren’t exactly giving you a permanent riddance from these pesky hairs. So why not go for natural and risk free ways to remove hair. Lined below are some good and natural ways to get rid of unwanted hair: 1. Sugaring This helps you to get rid of hair from the roots and for a longer duration. The ingredients required for the sugar spa is 2 cups of sugar,1/4th cup lemon and 1/4th cup water. Heat the pan and mix all the ingredients with continuous stirring, till it turns into a th

Remedies for cracked heels

Home Remedies For Dry Cracked Heels: 1. Mix papaya and lemon juice, apply on the affected area and wash off after 20 minutes. 2. Coat your feet in raw honey and cover with thick socks before going to bed at night. This not only softens your feet, but helps heal fissures as well. 3. First thing to do is drink lots of water to keep the skin hydrate. It will keep your skin soft and supple and skin will not get as dry to get cuts and cracks. 4. Always wash your feet properly whenever you come from outside. Sleep after washing your feet. 5. Rubbing pumice stone daily is helpful in clearing the dead dull skin, you can see best results. 6. Never wear shoes in wet legs and never wear wet soaks. 7. Walk on the grass barefoot early morning. It rejuvenates the feet and improves the eyesight. 8. Daily apply a mixture of rosewater and glycerin. It soothes your heels and cures them fast. 9. Apply the pulp of a ripe banana on the affected area, leave it for 10 to 15 minutes a